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It is known that the dance took place in the latter part of the 1860s but there are differing accounts of the exact year when this occurred.

John Leyland's account in The Memorials of Abram puts the previous performance at fourteen years before i.e. 1866
Memorials of Abram003.jpg


The report of the dance published in the Wigan Observer on July 17th 1880 contains the following statement: 
Twelve years having elapsed since the ancient festival was celebrated 
which would suggest that the dance took place in 1868.
In an interview by Miss C Holbrow of EFDS in 1932 Adam Ingram said that he danced in 1868.


In John Leyland's diary entry for July 9th 1880 he states that "eleven years have passed since it was last kept up" which puts  the dance as having taken place in 1869 although this is at variance with his published account in The Memorials of Abram (above)